I have had many dreams about waves crashing over me for the last few months. When I pray about it I always get that it's a good thing. Water represents the Holy Spirit which is a really good thing.
The last dream I had a week ago or so, with a wave crashing over me was very different then the other ones. The first 2 waves that crashed over me were clear blue and it didn't take me out. I stood firm in them. The 3rd & 4th waves were murky water, dark greenish color and I knew it was bad. When it was coming toward me I was able to hide on the side of a mountain. Reminded me of a cave like scene. There was just enough room for me to fit against the rock where the water went right over me. It did not touch me. At all. This was the first time from all the other times where I didn't wake up in a panic. The other dreams were heart racing where I would just wake up suddenly. This one I woke up in peace knowing I was covered and unharmed by the gross nasty water. Lol
This painting is a physical/spiritual remembrance of God covering. I'm at perfect peace knowing God is w/me and for me. Today I received more revelation about the painting.
I had a dream last night that I was at one of my parent's houses and I was cleaning the kitchen. It was a total mess! Dirty dishes everywhere, I even found dirty dishes in the cabinets with bags of rotten food. When I went to tell them they got mad at me. They said well, you should take care of it. I was in shock because I didn't even know anything about it. I had just come into their home. But in the dream they blamed it on me like I should have known and on top of that they wanted me to clean it. At that point I felt like a slave. I could feel the pain of guilt, shame and false responsibility run through my bones. I knew it was wrong as they went about their business doing whatever they were doing. I couldn't in the dream say any because I knew they would just keep telling me stuff about why I should have known and add more stuff to my plate. I held it in and just continued what I was doing.
When I woke up, I prayed and asked God what was that about? I no longer live with my parents...see my parents or speak to them. He told me I had to forgive them for the way they treated me. They didn't treat me with love and respect. I needed to forgive them and let go of those feelings that I have felt for the last 32yrs of my life. They honestly expected me to clean for them, be their scapegoat and take on some of their responsibilities. Well, I say No! No more blaming me, no more putting stuff on me. No more letting you treat me like that. I'm sorry but no parent should ever treat their son/daughter like that. I say out of my mouth today that I forgive them. I could only forgive them by the grace of God. Why because God has forgiven me. I hope one day their eyes are enlightened to see how they have treated me and they themselves ask for forgiveness. It's a sad truth for me to see the way they have treated me but the truth sets us free. Thank God he is merciful.
God took me to a bible verse in Isaiah. Isaiah 61:3 says: yes, provide for those in Tziyon who mourn, giving them garlands instead of ashes.
God himself has given me a garland instead of mourning. He not only covers me but he also crowns me. The days of mourning are over.
I'm now in the glory wave with him at peace.
Another verse that he spoke to me was Zephaniah 3:19: Behold, at that time I will deal with all your oppressors. And I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.
It's so amazing how we now have the ability to have a relationship with God through his Holy Spirit because of what Yeshua did for us.
I know it's a long post but I wanted to share this because if he has shown me what I need to forgive to be free and to be the woman I was created to be, he will certainly do it for you too. He will restore what the enemy meant for harm. God is faithful like that.
Forgiveness is a choice. It's not easy but it's worth it. You're worth it. Choose to forgive today and let go of those hurts and pains.
Shalom, Janel💖