Love and Love some more!
We all need God's pure love!
We were designed from it and for it.
I still myself still struggle with it sometimes, to be honest.
I've been realizing that love is so powerful ❤️
In this season God has placed me in a team of people that are at times, most of the time hard to love. How do you love people that don't like you for no reason? How do you love people that ignore you? How do you love people that talk behind your back? How do you love people that have no respect for you? How do you love people that are jealous of you? How do you love those that are hard to love? How God???
I've been asking Papa God this for awhile now because I'm over having to deal with people that are mean and rude and have no love for themselves and for others. Remember you can't give something you don't have and that is what God has been showing me. The missing piece is LOVE. What is love? Well, in 1 John 4:8 it say God is Love. So that means they need God one and two they need the love of God. And who will do that??? ME and other believers out there! Love your enemies Jesus says. He himself loved his enemies and even prayed for them. So I've been doing just that. Even when I don't want to at all I bow my head and thank him first for this opportunity to serve him. Then I let Holy Spirit take over because he is the best person to pray.
Loving others that love you is easy, right? But loving others that are hard to love is a different story. OMGosh!!!
I've come to the realization that I have to be myself, the person God has created me to be so that they can see God. If I walk in my true identity of Jesus, guess what they are going to see him. And that is what I have been doing. When I think of the person or the people I am working with I bless them and pray for them. So when I encounter them face to face all there is, is love. There is no hidden agenda, its like a clean slate fresh because I already let it go to God. Its like you are in love, giving love just like Jesus. Jesus had to deal with Judas. He was there in his ministry. He was apart of the group, a teammate. Yeah he might of not always been close to him but he still had to see him and talk with him and eat with him at the table.
My point is if your going through a time where its hard to love people around you. Surrender everything to God and let him love you first. Then go out into the world and love others.
Love is so powerful. When you carry the love of God, people will see it and feel it. Yes, some will run and some will what to know how to get it. Then that is the perfect opportunity to be a witness of Jesus Christ.
Love and never stop loving! If Jesus can love like that so can we since we have his spirit in us.
This is a testimony of loving a women that was so mean and ugly to me recently: All I did was keep loving on her, treating her with honor and respect and gave her affirmation about her work. Let me tell you a few days went by and she was like a whole other people to me. She smiled at me, worked as a team with me and was willing to teach me more about the area she worked in and even gave me a complaint about how I did a great job. I was in shock at first but then I realized love always wins! To top it off, she gave me a ride home because she found out that I didn't have money for the bus that day. I was beyond myself at that point. hahaha But God is real and alive! He is faithful to his word! Trust him! He will give you all you need and more!
Papa's Love, Janel